
Posted by Colston | | Posted On Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mark 3:24-25
And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.

These are words from Christ spoken to people who accused him of being possessed by Satan. His response in these verses explains that nothing can stand if eternally it is unstable and divided. I was reading Craig Groeschel's book called It. I havent finished it yet but if you get a chance this book will rock your world and how you think. AMAZING!!
I was reading last night and he touched on this verse and topic so much of this is his stuff but I have really been thinking through some of this so I wanted to put my thoughts and questions down.
He began the chapter telling a story of a lady who called his church the competition against their church. He was offended however it was true because for him it was the fact that he wanted HIS church to grow but not theirs. The fact that he was being selfish and was looking at another church as competition got me thinking and him to because thats what the chapter was about.

My thoughts started coming in within the BBFI and our connection of "baptist" churches, even SBC. Why is it that when we look at the Methodist church or the community church and for us BBC people, those Charismatic church, when we see them grow we get jeouls and think they are teaching heresy thats why their church is growing.
I think God looks down from heaven and HATES what he sees within Christianity. Why? Because he sees a divided kingdom. He sees Baptist talking bad about AG's and vise versa. He sees people claiming to love God and Jesus and hate each other. He sees church competing to see who can have the biggest friend day or the most people. Who has the best band and newest building. We are always competing against each other and then we sit back and wonder why the world is headed to hell. Yes its because of their sin, however what would have happened if churches worked together within a community? What would happen within Springfield if all the 50 something baptist churches locked arms with the AG's churches which are alot and worked together to reach Springfield? I think it would blow peoples minds, I think the entire town of Springfield would know Jesus. I think there would be the greatest community of believers ever, even bigger than the church in ACTS! Only.... Only... if the church wasn't divided.

So what the heck does this mean to us? Well... if your in ministry then you call up the other youth pastors and work together. You dont have to walk hand in hand but at least walk side beside. Call up those guys, trade ministry tools, resources, even ideas, events, activities, whatever you have that has worked Share it. Do things together, and NEVER NEVER talk bad about another ministry because they do things different. That is God's church just as much as your church is His too. Remember that Christ bride your insulting.
Also, this means that you might have to look to other ministries to see what is working. Look at other ministries within your town and see which ones are thriving. See what they do, take their ideas, implement some of their systems.

I think it time we stop being a divided kingdom or a divided church. Just imagine what would be accomplished if we werent divided.

Sorry if this seems to be ranting and raving but it is... Just a little frustration as I look back on my stupidity while in college.


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