Posted by Colston | | Posted On Thursday, December 17, 2009

Well as promised I want to share what we discussed last night at VERITAS. We have been going through a series called I AM SECOND. Check out the website if you havent already seen it. CHECK IT OUT

Last night we read Matthew 22:34-40. Jesus tells the religious leaders that the greatest two commandments at to love God and to love Others. So as you think about these verse, the question becomes, Am I supposed to be second or third?
Again, I love the I AM SECOND thought and what they have done but it its super Biblical. Jesus said, Love ME and Love OTHERS!
If God is number one in your life then other people automatically become number two. When God is one and People are two You are three! This is how God designed us, what he desires for us and what God can use to change the world.


If you have chosen to follow God with your life then you know how simple it is to say God is number 1 but O so hard to live that way.Why is that?
Because of SIN. Because we love ourselves so much, we are extremely selfish people. Every sin that we commit is to satisfy ourselves in some sort of way. We are choosing to do something that will satisfy us over doing what God desires. This is sin.

So ask yourself, how wrapped up in yourself are you?
What things are you chosing to do that please yourself over pleasing God?

Being less consumed with yourself all you to be more consumed with God!




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