0 to 60 Church Growth Principles Part 2
Posted by Colston | | Posted On Thursday, March 19, 2009
Sorry this is so late.
Principle #11 Frankenstein Churches
* Does adding this help us accomplish our mission?
* Kill what isnt working
* Focus all your energy on what is bringing results
#12 There can only be ONE
God always gives leadership to a PERSON not a COMMITTIE
* Operate from a position of Trust
*Have accountability- Who are the people you are responsible to?
#13 The Absence Factor
"The true test of leadership is not what happens when your present. The true test of leadership is what happens when you are not present."
*The Rights Systems
* The Right Staff
*The Right Structure
#14 The Best Teachers
* Find people that have been where you currently are and ask them questions and learn from them
*If you run 100 talk to someone running 200 or 300. A church running 1500 isnt going to give the church running 100 super practicle advice.
#15 Gauges on the Dashboard
*5 guest for every 100 people
*1 baptized for every 3 saved
* Compare this weeks attendence from this week last year.
*Current giving compared to the same period last year.
--> Look at monthly or even Quarterly numbers not week by week.
*50% involved in ministry
#16 Lessons in Outreach
* Big Days- Easter, Friend day, Christmas
* Personal Evangelism
* Excellent Weekend Services
* Promotions
#17 The Big Idea on Big Days
*January- New Beginnings
*February- Relationships
*Mother's Day
*Father's Day
* Fall- Discipleship
#18 A New Way to Look at Your Community
Your community has two types of people:
1- Those who know someone at your church.
2- Those who dont know someone at your church.
#19 Your Main Evangelistic Engine
You must Believe that Sunday Morning is the MOST IMPORTANT HOUR in your community.
#20 How Promote your Church
* Avoid Churchy Language
* Explain the importance/benefit of attending
*Effective Promotion Removes Fear
* Effective Promotion Creates Interest.
IF everyone in the community is doing it the DONT DO IT. Do what no one else is doing!
I will continue in the future with the rest of the principles...
Even though this is for church growth most of it can be used for youth ministries as well...
Hope it helps some.
Principle #11 Frankenstein Churches
* Does adding this help us accomplish our mission?
* Kill what isnt working
* Focus all your energy on what is bringing results
#12 There can only be ONE
God always gives leadership to a PERSON not a COMMITTIE
* Operate from a position of Trust
*Have accountability- Who are the people you are responsible to?
#13 The Absence Factor
"The true test of leadership is not what happens when your present. The true test of leadership is what happens when you are not present."
*The Rights Systems
* The Right Staff
*The Right Structure
#14 The Best Teachers
* Find people that have been where you currently are and ask them questions and learn from them
*If you run 100 talk to someone running 200 or 300. A church running 1500 isnt going to give the church running 100 super practicle advice.
#15 Gauges on the Dashboard
*5 guest for every 100 people
*1 baptized for every 3 saved
* Compare this weeks attendence from this week last year.
*Current giving compared to the same period last year.
--> Look at monthly or even Quarterly numbers not week by week.
*50% involved in ministry
#16 Lessons in Outreach
* Big Days- Easter, Friend day, Christmas
* Personal Evangelism
* Excellent Weekend Services
* Promotions
#17 The Big Idea on Big Days
*January- New Beginnings
*February- Relationships
*Mother's Day
*Father's Day
* Fall- Discipleship
#18 A New Way to Look at Your Community
Your community has two types of people:
1- Those who know someone at your church.
2- Those who dont know someone at your church.
#19 Your Main Evangelistic Engine
You must Believe that Sunday Morning is the MOST IMPORTANT HOUR in your community.
#20 How Promote your Church
* Avoid Churchy Language
* Explain the importance/benefit of attending
*Effective Promotion Removes Fear
* Effective Promotion Creates Interest.
IF everyone in the community is doing it the DONT DO IT. Do what no one else is doing!
I will continue in the future with the rest of the principles...
Even though this is for church growth most of it can be used for youth ministries as well...
Hope it helps some.
Good stuff, Colston.