Hello Again

Posted by Colston | | Posted On Sunday, May 17, 2009

Just wanted to say sorry for not posting in a while. I have been silly busy with the church.
God is doing some amazing things around here and Im pumped he is allowing me to be apart of it all.
One thing that I have been trying to process is the idea of intentional relationships. I have found that even within ministry I am in a Christian bubble.
I have been really challenged lately with the idea of the people that I know that arent Christians. If I were honest I know maybe 5 or so by name that dont know Jesus.
How can I try and teach my students about sharing their faith when I fail to do it myself?
So the question is, who are you intentionally friends with?
Who are you intentionally reaching out to? Not in a proselyte way but just reaching out to do life with people.
Think about the bubble you are in? Is there is anyone in your bubble that doesnt know Jesus? If not, what are you doing to change that? Are you being intentional?


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